Friday, August 12, 2011

The Guest Room

John and I finally got around to finishing the guest room, at least to the point that we can actually host guests in it. We purchased a new comforter set and a basic bed frame, but as far as the more fun things - painting the room, getting artwork and window treatments and a cool bed frame - all of that is going to have to wait.

Of course, even though we have to wait, it's still fun to plan!

First off, this is the comforter set we went with:

I really enjoy the red accents with the overall neutral palette - it will be easy to work with. I don't think it's overly feminine or masculine, either, which was what we were aiming for.

Now, artwork. I'd love, love, love to get this right here, from Etsy seller birdAve. John loves the Philadelphia skyline, and I think this print is super fun but sophisticated, too. Maybe a red background would work better - or even blue.

It would actually be neat to do a series - maybe of cities John and/or I have visited, or just cool cities we'd like to visit. (Portland, anyone?) birdAve has a ton to choose from. Okay, and if we wanted to stick with just a Philadelphia theme, we would have to get this print, too...

The Philadelphia Destination Print is by 7thHouse on Etsy. (I could probably decorate my entire house with Etsy finds, honestly.) This print is pretty large, at 12x36 inches, so it would be a nice statement piece. As I write this, I'm liking the Philly idea more and more!

I love this new trend of wall decals, like these by LanaKole, another Etsy artist. I think they look adorable in the photo, although since our guest room is a bit small, I'd probably break them apart, putting a few here and there between furniture. It would be a nice little surprise addition for our visitors.

I'm pretty much obsessed with this lamp:

Although I've got to admit, I'm not sure it would go with the bedding. I'm an adequate decorator, but I don't think I've perfected the way to tie odds and ends together when they're so different. Of course, this point is moot because I won't be spending $175 on a lamp anytime in the near future, anyway.

But again... it's still fun to plan.

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